Introducing Exploratory Data Analysis and Supervised Machine Learning with R
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Welcome to the Course
This lesson gives an overview of the course.
A Concise Introduction to R and R Studio
This lesson introduces R and R Studio and shows the integrated development environment and the R Notebook.
Exploratory Data Analysis
This lesson digs into the Titanic dataset and uses visualizations to explore how different factors impact the survival rate of the passengers.
Machine Learning
Introduction to Machine Learning
This lesson briefly introduces machine learning and how we see machine learning models as black boxes.
Conditional Inference Tree
This lesson shows the use of a conditional inference tree to predict the survival of passengers.
Naïve Bayes
This lesson shows the use of Naïve Bayes to predict the survival of passengers.
This lesson shows the use of k-Nearest-Neighbor to predict the survival of passengers.
Last Words
This lesson compares the tree machine learning models, and provides some suggestions for further reading.